Posts in Wills
Witnessing Remotely? Don’t Put Your Client’s Data At Risk

The use of email and third-party web conferencing tools, like Zoom, means that more confidential and personal information is transferred without proper safeguards in place. Failing to take the necessary precautions could expose your clients to heightened risk of fraud and identity theft, deterioration of client service, and technological uncertainty.

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BC: Remote Witnessing of Wills to Become Permanent

The Government of BC has introduced amendments to the Wills, Estates and Succession Act. Bill 21 has passed first reading and will enable courts to accept electronic wills and permit the remote witnessing of wills. These amendments also include definitions of: electronic presence, electronic signature, electronic will, and how to alter and revoke an electronic will.

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LDD Remote Signing Portal now available for Wills and Real Estate!

Over the past few weeks, we've rolled out the LDD Remote Signing Portal for remote client meetings in RealtiWeb.   Today we're happy to announce that the Remote Signing Portal is available in WillPowerWeb! With this launch, lawyers across Canada now have free access to the portal.

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You can now use the right-click menu for all documents in the Docs function to convert documents to PDF and Open Office. Plus, four new clauses have been added to the Gift/legacies clause book to cover general gifts with no "over to" provisions. Along with more great changes!

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