

Four new clauses have been added to the Gift/legacies clause book to cover general gifts with no "over to" provisions:


A cover page for Wills has been added to the "Other Documents" package on the documents screen.


You can now use the right-click menu for all documents in the Docs function to convert documents to PDF and Open Office.

Note: These options are also available from within document packages.

Note: These options are also available from within document packages.

  • In the document master, click to view document conditions and loops in all master documents.
  • In document packages, you can display the loops and conditions of documents using the right-click menu in packages, as shown in the following graphic:
  • An option has been added to the right-click menu in all merged documents called "Hide Background Shading". This will allow you to copy text from a merged document into a Word or WordPerfect document without the LDD clause colour shading.

Other Enhancements

  • In RealtiWeb, a "Create WillPowerWeb File" option has been added to the Basic button dropdown menu allowing users to export their client file data into WillPowerWeb.
  • When creating a WillPowerWeb file from RealtiWeb, client’s names now are picked up from the file and put into the first name, middle name, and last name filed on the client info screen for purposes of estate documents.
  • The gift of corporate shares clause now brings in the name of the company.
  • A loop option has been added to display the names, addresses and phone numbers of parties in the Will.
  • Ampersands (&) used in the gift/legacy descriptions are now correctly displayed in clauses.
  • A link for registered charities has been added to the People screen. If a corporation is selected for an entity this link will appear next to the dropdown.
  • The Will/POA/Codicil button dropdown menu now contains an option to delete will template. This will delete all custom created templates.
  • A foreign language option has been added to the signing limitation dropdown allowing you to enter the language of the Testator(ix). All witness paragraphs will reflect the limited knowledge of the Testator(ix)’s English.