Some things are changing in RealtiWeb

A spring clean for your work screens

You've probably started to notice that some things are looking a little different in RealtiWeb. Why? We're (finally!) taking some time to clean up our screens. It may take a minute or two to reorient yourself to get familiar with the new layouts, but rest assured nothing’s been (or will be) deleted!

No need to panic. Everything's still where you need it to be. Our revised user interface designs may simply have shifted some things around a bit. These redesigns better reflect our technical advancements and will improve your workflow.

Ongoing improvements

The improvements include removing some unnecessary duplicates. For example, the property address field is no longer on the Basic Information tab as it's a repeated field from the Property Information tab. We are reviewing every screen on RealtiWeb to make the whole system a smoother experience for users.

Besides duplicates, there are more significant improvements coming. You’ve probably already noticed the firm setup checklist (under firm settings). The next redesign you'll notice is on the File Opening screen. After that, our Financial Screens will get the touch-up treatment.

You’ll be delighted to see a little improvement here and there every time you log in over the next few weeks. That’s because we’re rolling things out slowly so nothing takes you by surprise.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact our support team at