Improved LTSA Title Searches in RealtiWeb BC

Our new integration gives you more options

Search and import title details; buy documents and order state of title certificates; all without leaving your RealtiWeb file. See everything that's new in our improved title search integration.

  • New Title Search Screen

  • Search Title and View Results

  • Import Title Information in Seconds

  • Buy Documents Instantly

  • Strata Plans, Pending Applications and State of Title Certificates

What are we working on next?

Some things coming soon to RealtiWeb:

Land Owner Transparency Registry
Submit information on beneficial owners and sign the LOTR certificates in RealtiWeb.

LTSA Web Filing and PTT Forms
Complete, sign and submit land title forms through our upcoming LTSA web filing integration.

Improved Title Insurance Ordering
Order title insurance and receive policies directly from your RealtiWeb file.