New/Enhanced Features - RealtiWeb Nova Scotia

Document History enhancements

We had requests for enhanced document history control. We listened and now when you click on the green checkmark next to a document, you’ll see at the top of the Document History window, the added ability to clear checkmarks for just one document or all documents.


Also added is the ability to show and print a list of documents produced on a file.


Rapid Search in alphabetical document list and field lists

To help you search through your document lists and field lists, we’ve instituted a better search. Now, as you type, the documents or fields containing the words you enter in the search will show.

Enhanced Emails to Contacts

As you may know, in RealtiWeb, clicking on the email link within a selected third party in a file initiates an email to that party. 


Now a Reference Line can be automatically added to the Subject line of the email and also optionally, contact information at the bottom of the email. The first time you use the email feature, you’ll see a window like the following:

Select how you would like to use this feature. This window will display just once. You can select for just the email and a signature to come into the email, just a subject, just a signature or neither.

Select how you would like to use this feature. This window will display just once. You can select for just the email and a signature to come into the email, just a subject, just a signature or neither.

Enhanced Security for Modifying your Masters

Enhanced security for modifying master documents through your LDD account set up. Ask a support rep for further details.

Review of issues including Adjustments

A complete review has been done of the issues list. Additional wording has been added and calculations revised where necessary.