New Note Feature in RealtiPLUSWeb, RealtiOnlineWeb and RealtiBuilderSales!


New Note Feature in RealtiPLUSWeb, RealtiOnlineWeb and RealtiBuilderSales!

The new Note feature lets you put notes anywhere on any one of the RealtiPLUSWeb/RealtiOnlineWeb screens. You can add as many Notes as you like.


Just click on the blue pin icon to the right of the Save and Calendar icons at the top right of any screen to add a new Note. A Note  icon will appear on screen. Enter text into the Note and when you are done, drag the Note to any position on screen. You can right click to choose to delete the Note, make it show always or hide the Note. By default, Note contents will hide. 

Additionally, using the Report feature (Tools, Reports), you can print a report of the Notes on all files or on selected files.