Alberta: Registration of Land Titles documents witnessed via videoconferencing

Just released from Service Alberta is this update on acceptance of documents that have been sworn, witnessed or affirmed by Alberta lawyers using videoconferencing.

To assist Albertans with self-isolation and social distancing during the spread of COVID-19, effective today, we are temporarily allowing the registration of Land Titles documents that have been witnessed, sworn or affirmed by Alberta lawyers using two-way teleconferencing.

o This is a temporary measure as the government responds to the spread of COVID-19.

o Land Titles will only accept documents commissioned or witnessed via videoconferencing from lawyers who are active, practicing, and insured in Alberta. Lawyers are subject to the Law Society of Alberta’s client identification and verification rules and oversight.

o Original signatures are still required on all documents.

o These measures will be in place as long as the state of public health emergency remains in effect.

Twenty Land Titles forms have been updated to accommodate this change. For full details see the following:

Announcement from Service Alberta (April 3)

The Ministerial Order which shows the new content for all 20 forms.