There's Awards and then there's the Presidents Award

Maurizio Romanin, Barrister, Solicitor, LDD President & CEO… OBA Presidents Award Winner

He hates it when we do this, but we have to publicly congratulate Maurizio for being selected as a recipient of the OBA Presidents Award. It’s not only exciting because of the award, it’s also the fact that it’s being presented AT A GALA. Time to break out the tux and tails.

Come see Maurizio and the other outstanding members of the profession who have made exceptional contributions to the practice of law and to the Ontario Bar Association. The OBA Awards Gala is on Wednesday, April 15 at the King Edward Hotel in Toronto. For more info and tickets, visit the OBA’s website.



For one night at least, you're on par with Fred.

(Just don't expect a bright yellow banner at the Awards Gala)