New eDischarge Integration in Manitoba
We've updated RealtiWeb to allow you to take advantage of the new eDischarge from The Property Registry (TPR).
To produce an eDischarge:
Select The Property Registry from the dropdown menu of the Basic screen
If this is your first time using this feature, you will be asked to agree to an amendment to our subscription agreement
RealtiWeb will automatically list mortgages to be discharged from the Issues List
Select the checkbox beside the applicable mortgage(s)
Click on the Generate button
If you have more than one mortgage to discharge, multiple forms will be generated
Follow The Property Registry instructions for completing the forms (View TPR's eDischarge User Guide)
Please note:
While you can continue to use the LTO Discharge from the RealtiWeb documents screen, use of the eDischarge form will be mandated by TPR at the end of 2017.
TPR is moving forward on a form by form basis and has started with eDischarges. As development progresses to encompass the other forms, we will keep pace with TPR's production schedule.
For more information on The Property Registry Smart Forms, visit