Updated Ontario Standard Closing Docs

Revised Closing Documents from The Working Group on Lawyers and Real Estate have been added to RealtiWeb, effective April 4, 2017

The Working Group on Lawyers and Real Estate has provided updated Ontario Standard Closing Documents. We’ve updated the following closing documents in RealtiWeb for purchase and sale transactions:

  1. Lawyer's Undertaking
  2. Lawyer's Direction re Funds
  3. Purchaser's Undertaking & Direction re Title
  4. Vendor's Closing Certificate 
  5. Lawyers' Delayed Closing Escrow Agreement 

These documents are available in RealtiWeb in the Closing Letters and Documents - Ontario Standard Closing Documents section of the Documents tab.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our support desk at 1-800-363-2253 or support@ldd.ca at any time.