New Feature Updates in your RealtiBuilderSales Condominium and Subdivision Programs

The following changes have recently been implemented in the RealtiBuilderSales Condominium and Subdivision applications...

RealtiBuilderSales - Condominium and Subdivision Program

  • Printable Calendar: The Calendar can now be printed. To do so, click on the printer icon at the bottom right of the calendar, then make selections as to what information will appear on your report, whether to print just your calendar items or all calendar items and the format.
  • Calendar has Suite # / Lot Description included in the full description. In order for the suite/lot number for an existing file to show in your calendar, you will need to go into a file and save it. The printable calendar will also show the suite/lot numbers.
  • (Condominium Only) Interest on Deposit Interest: The system will now calculate interest on deposit interest when interest is being paid at Occupancy closing. If you wish to add this interest to your final adjustments, add the field to your final adjustments set up screen in the Project.

...and other previous updates

  • A new feature has been added to allow you to look at the solicitor view from the lot/unit. From the Document dropdown, select Solicitor's Document View.
  • In the Document masters, the FROM: section of all fax cover sheets now bring in the contact phone number with the extension number, if added.
  • In the Taxes/Miscellaneous screen, an interim and final tax calculator has been added to the Taxes section for quick automatic calculation. To access it, click on the appropriate Tax label on the Taxes/Misc screen.
  • (Subdivision) An option for full discharge or partial discharge has been added to the Mortgage-Discharges screen in the Issues workbench.
  • The Export to e-Reg feature from the Basic button dropdown now populates the LRO number.
  • The posted documents list is now sorted by Last Post date, however, you can click on any heading to resort the list.
  • (Condominium) A new Report has been added to the report list called Tarion Deposits.
  • You now have the ability to create files with letters as level numbers.
  • Fields for e-Reg Consideration and Total Consideration have been added to the Reports list.
  • When using the export to e-Reg feature, the signing authority will now be sent to Teraview in all Transfers.
  • A new feature has been added to each lot/unit allowing you to click on the arrow(s) at the top right of the screen to either drop down the list of files, allowing you to select the next file to switch to without leaving the file and going back to the Main screen, or to go to the previous or next files in list sequence.
  • (Condominium) Occupancy Fee - For the occupancy fee in the month of closing, there is a new feature at the project level on the Taxes/Misc screen which lets you specify whether the Purchaser Pays Closing Month. This then defaults to the individual unit, where you can override this setting, and the appropriate adjustment is calculated.
  • The Tarion Deposit Report template has been updated with two new fields: Deposit - Amount; and Deposit - Date Received.