LawyerDoneDeal Real Estate Application Updates

The following features have been updated in all applications: RealtiPLUSWeb, RealtiOnlineWeb and both RealtiBuilderSales applications. See additional features added to specific applications underneath this section.

  • Delivery notation via Regular Mail and fax includes fax numbers
  • If you were having trouble with the "Between" function in the Reports feature, now fixed

RealtiPLUSWeb Specific Enhancements

  • New link to Mortage Amortization table on the mortgages page
  • Legal description for POTL prepopulates
  • ING Direct is now a confirmed lender. From now on, when you select ING Direct as a lender, select it from the confirmed lenders list instead of the non-confirmed list.
  • Fax number merges in blank documents in the Fax/Envelope/Label wizard if entered in the Delivery Notation screen
  • Land Transfer Tax Rebate form for Resale homes is included in the list of documents. When the legislation has passed final reading, the program will be changed to do the complete calculation.
  • Toronto Municipal Land Transfer Tax capability - coming VERY Soon!
  • Consideration for e-reg® field added to the Basic Information screen. This is the field that gets exported to e-reg for Land Transfer Tax purposes. The system does the calculation, but you can overwrite this field to send whatever amount you wish to send.
  • Standard Charge Terms updates to CIBC trading as Firstline Mortgages and RBC mortgages.

RealtiOnlineWeb Specific Enhancements

  • New Sub Document category. On the list of documents, there are now subdocuments which are all of the documents that make up the packaged Registration Documents. You now have the ability to modify the documents in each of these packages individually.
  • In Registration Documents, page numbers on the first page of the package can be suppressed by modifying the "Format" field in the SubDocument for the first document in the package. Change the Format field selection from "Legal Docs (one party combined with page #s)" to "Legal Docs (one party combined)".
  • Where there is more than one legal description, all legal descriptions come into all documents
  • New link to Mortage Amortization table on the mortgages page
  • ING Direct is now a confirmed lender. From now on, when you select ING Direct as a lender, select it from the confirmed lenders list instead of the non-confirmed list.
  • Fax number merges in blank documents in the Fax/Envelope/Label wizard if entered in the Delivery Notation screen

RealtiBuilderSales - Condominium and Subdivision Specific Enhancements

  • Condominium: New feature for Occupancy Adjustment for month of Final Closing

At the Project level, on the Taxes/Misc. window, there is a new field "Purchaser Pays Closing Month Occupancy Fee".


The default is that the Purchaser has paid for the closing month. If this will not be the case on a particular project, you will need to turn it off. Current projects have been checked and for those with an occupancy adjustment in their final Statements of Adjustments, the indicator has been set accordingly, based on the existence of a Credit Vendor or Credit Purchaser field. You may wish to check to verify its correctness. Note that the Purchaser Pays Closing Month field can be overwritten at the unit level.


In your Final Statement of Adjustments, for the occupancy adjustment, you may now wish to have one item that has both the credit to the Purchaser and the credit to the Vendor field selected. Of course, the item will only print the appropriate credit to either the Vendor or Purchaser.

  • Condominium: New options for commissioner's statements with lawyer's name and clerk's name
  • Subdivision: New projects - the e-reg indicator is checked automatically in project, meaning it does not have to be checked in each file
  • Condominium: Recent files list now shows 30 files, up from 15 files